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Introes Pocket Bougie

The Introes Pocket Bougie is designed to fit into an airway kit, EMS trauma bag, tactical trauma kit or cargo pant pocket for ease of deployment for an airway rescue. Made from a special blend of Teflon, the Introes Pocket Bougie is self-lubricated, malleable and will maintain its memory shape when customized by the user prior to intubation when encountered by a difficult airway. The unique curve of the Introes Pocket Bougie follows the natural path of the airway thereby allowing the bougie to get up and under the epiglottis unlike the traditional straight bougies. The Teflon also allows for a more distinct feel of the tracheal rings to confirm placement called Tactiglide Technology. The addition of soft, rounded, dome tips make the Introes Pocket Bougie safer to use. Lastly, the flexibility of the Introes Pocket Bougie allows for the distal tip to be flexed for the very anterior airway such as a grade 2 or 3 airway where the vocal cords are not clearly visible or in the event of using video laryngoscopy and the cords may be visualized but cannot successfully pass an endotracheal tube.

Introes Pocket Bougie FEATURES

  • Designed to fit in an EMS bag or intubation kit
  • Balanced rigidity with soft tissue protection
  • Non removable innovative depth markings
  • Optimal curve with shape memory
  • Designed to fit in a standard pocket
  • Advanced Tactiglide Technology
  • Individual sterile packaging
  • Self-lubricated bougie
  • Latex free

Intubation Devices


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Product Videos

Pocket Bougie Preload
Introes Pocket Bougie Direct Laryngoscopy
Tracheal tube exchange using the Pocket Bougie   from AOD
Introes Pocket Bougie for Trach Tube Change
Down folding epiglottis from AOD
Introes Pocket Bougie Hold Technique
King LT exchange with Pocket Bougie and King Vision
Introes Pocket Bougie King LT Exchange with King Vision
Pocket Bougie, One Person intubation technique with trigger hold
Introes Pocket Bougie, One person technique with Trigger
BOMImed Pocket Bougie Morbid Obesity 125 Kg
Introes Pocket Bougie with Direct Laryngoscopy in Obese
Glidescope using BOMImed Pocket Bougie
Introes Pocket Bougie with Glidescope
Introes Pocket Bougie with Glidescope and Bronch Adapter
Introes Pocket Bougie with Glidescope and Bronch Adapter
Pocket Bougie with Karl Storz D Mac Blade
Introes Pocket Bougie with Karl Storz D Blade
Pocket Bougie with King Vision
Introes Pocket Bougie King LT Exchange with King Vision
Hyperangulated tube delivery with tracheal tube introducers
Introes Pocket Bougie, One person technique with Trigger
BOMImed's Pocket Bougie
Introes Pocket Bougie with Direct Laryngoscopy in Obese

How To Order

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STEP 1: To place an order with BOMImed a customer account must be created. Please contact Customer Service at to obtain a new customer application. If you already have an account, please skip to step two.

STEP 2: If part numbers, pricing or product information is needed before placing the order, please contact you local Sales Representative. Please contact Customer Service for your local Sales Representative contact information. Formal quotes can be provided at this time.

STEP 3: Please submit orders to Orders can also be submitted by phone or by fax. T: 204.633.2664 / 1.800.667.6276 F. 204.632.1064 / 1.877.435.6984

STEP 4: Customer Service will send an order confirmation email within 24 hours of receipt. Please contact Customer Service if you do not receive confirmation.

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